Monday, April 19, 2021

Still using Java: Working with the project code

This is a short post about how to check out the project from Github and work in an IDE. I'm using Eclipse as my IDE. Similar concepts and configurations should be applicable to other IDE. 

1st checkout the code from my Github repository.

On the [Package Explorer], right-clicks and click 'Import...'

Choose 'Existing Maven Project'.

Click 'Finish' to import.

When you import, the IDE will start to build the project. Make sure it is using Java 11 as JRE. The Jave version is defined in the pom.xml. 

After import, you should be able to run the project. Right-click on the project > Run As > Maven build...


Set the Goals to: compile quarkus:dev

Make sure the Maven Runtime version is 3.6.2+

Select the JRE tab (this is important). Make sure you use Java 11 from GraalVM. If you don't have it, go download a copy now. 

Once you hit the 'Run' button, wait for the message to be shown on the console. 

Now you can start coding. Yes. You hear me right. Start coding. No need to restart the application anymore. Add a new function? Add new class? Add a new database entity? Just hit the endpoint after the changes. Quarkus will reload your app and in a very fast manner. 


To run the project, do

1. Make sure you are using Java 11.

2. and run

mvn compile quarkus:dev

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